
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mary Kay Di haatiku. ;P

Haip bLogger.
sUngguh buZi akU 2 hari nih..
Jumaat & SabtU 16/17 September 2011
Mary kaY daY aWard For Malaysian & Singapore.
Really excited jOin this semiNar.
Held at Berjaya HOteL Times Squares.

Wah..rasE mCm kat dewan kOnvO pun ade..
deY aLL look gorgeous in ReD Jacket KonvO.
hehe..agak2 kLu akU serius sket dLm Mary Kay nih next year leh 2x kOnvo..

Satu koNvO Uitm which is Bachelor foR AccountancY.
SecoNd is KonvO in REd Jacket Univercity with Mary Kay.
Seyes heBat2 dey aLL yg daH konVo tu..
buKan ape..y lla..dr xpenah ade ape2 experience bleh kOnvo ngan Mary Kay.
Is noT easy actuaLy..

For me..learn in accountancy more to paper subject..
But in Mary Kay improved the skill in ourself..
Do u waNna kNow what skiLL?
LeadrshiP skiLL..
Mary Kay born leadershiP..
tHey conduct their own beauty class..
they have recruiter team..
tHEy are soleproprietorship because they enJoy the sales..
tHey are miSS gO give spIrit..
which enriched others wOmen Life..

Enter in Mary Kay baLLrOom..
is quite exciteD..
theY really applause Us..
whether they knOw we are new beauTy cOnsultants..

Really prOud on how Mary kaY born this kind of people.
The General manager Malaysia itself very sporting..
& he is quite handsome you know..hhehe..

Really wanna know more & more about this company..
They all united!
the most excited when i can take a picture with Dave Grant.
He is quite top in US..
I'm not sure which position he is..
but he is quite friendly..
Pam Fortenberry also..she is so obvious as a person in sharing..
Here we learn many things about the beauty..
Not only outer beauty but also inner beauty ;)

Stop here for a while..
I'll share some of picture when i'm frEe..;)

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